Harvesting Garlic

Yesterday at school with Sandra Lory (Community Herbalism Studio) we talked of the new moon and harvesting garlic around this time. Today (within the new moon timeframe) I harvested half of my garlic...and left the rest for full moon harvest in a few weeks. Garlic is a member of the allium family. Great for the immune system, helps in sickness, reduces blood pressure, and possibly Alzheimer's.... Everyone should eat garlic...(unless you are allergic). I add it to salads, soups, sautees, marinates...

Beets Beets Beets!

The beets are full-up and strong. Eaten raw, steamed...whatever...they are so excellent. My friend introduced me to Beet Kvass in the early spring: So delicious! Check out the recipe at wellnessmama.com, but also consider coming to a fun class here on August 27: It's "The Spirited Kitchen" and we'll enjoy farm, land, kitchen time and more... We'll make Beet Kvass, Herb Butters, Bath Salts and other amazing and wonderful things. Whatever's out there and wonderful. 

Easy Greens Soup

Super simple and nutritious. 

Super simple and nutritious. 

Early this spring, Ann Marie Harmon came to the farm to teach a class (which was amazing) on Raw Foods. I learned a few super recipes that I have incorporated into my life (happily) and bought a cookbook that I've really enjoyed (The Raw Gourmet by Nomi Shannon). Raw food recipes have not really been a part of my life, but these few really stuck: Overnight Chia Pudding, Oatmeal (in general and brand specific), Smoothies and Soups. Above is a close up pic of blended avocado, green apple, foraged and harvested greens, scallions and a touch of salt and water. So easy: so great.